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2020-2021 Productions

Featuring Scenes from the Odyssey, The Wolves, All's Well that Ends Well, and The Boys and the Nuns

Scenes from the Odyssey

Adapted by Mary Zimmerman
Directed by Sarah Gabel
SEPT 19 - 27, 2020 (online production)


An ingenious adaptation of Homer’s Greek epic, Scenes from the Odyssey begins in a modern context, with a young woman struggling to understand a translation of the great work. As the play progresses, the ten-year journey of Odysseus is brought to life through classic mythological characters like Polyphemus the Cyclops, Poseidon, Calypso, and the Sirens. Mary Zimmerman’s play makes a grand show of fantastic adventure to be enjoyed by all.

Additional Media by Jordan McDonnell


The Wolves

Written by Sarah Delappe
Directed by Jonathan Wilson
Oct 24 - Nov 1, 2020 (online production)


Beneath the fluorescent lights of an indoor soccer field somewhere in suburban America, The Wolves, by Sarah Delappe, paints a vivid picture of a group of teenage girls grappling with some of life’s biggest questions. After a new girl, #46, joins the team, The Wolves gives a closeup look at a group of girls doing their best to navigate the world around them. Addressing topics including belonging, adolescence, and grief, Delappe paints an intimate portrait of how teenage girls understand the world and relate to one another. 

Additional media by Lee Keenan and Patricia Domagala

All's Well that Ends Well

Written by William Shakespeare
Directed by William Brown

March 20-28, 2021

When offered the husband of her choice, Helena picks the reluctant Bertram, the Count of Roussillon. Unwilling to marry beneath his station, Bertram runs away to war and leaves Helena to contrive her way into his heart. Considered one of Shakespeare’s greatest problem plays, All’s Well That Ends Well explores female agency, redemption, loyalty, and trust.

Additional Photographers: Mikayla De Guzeman, Makenna Van Raalte, Gina Saglimbeni, and Kashyap Patel

The Boys and The Nuns

Written by Sandra Delgado
Music by Michael McBride
Co-Directed by Sandra Delgado and Mark Lococo
Apr 17 - 25, 2021 (online production)


Loyola University Chicago was proud to produce the world premier of The Boys and the Nuns, developed with Loyola students during Sandra Delgado’s residency with the Department of Fine and Performing Arts. To pass the Chicago Human Rights Ordinance, members of Chicago’s LGBT+ community and an order of Catholic Sisters come together to change both their city and their world. Set in the 1980s, this play with music explores dignity, identity, and the power of faith in a striking period of Chicago history. 

The Wolves
The Boy and the Nuns

2020-2021 Second Stages


Directed by Mark E. Lococo  

Musically Directed by Michael McBride  

Band Instruction by Rick Lowe

March 31 – April 10, 2022  

Everyone has a wish, but at what cost? James Lapine and Stephen Sondheim’s Tony Award-winning musical features an enticing fusion of fairy tale characters who all desire what they cannot have. When a childless baker and his wife embark on a quest to lift the Witch’s curse on their family, everyone realizes that their own "happily-ever-after" may not last. With whimsy, wisdom, and tart humor, Into the Woods daringly twists your favorite stories in this evocative classic about darkness and light. Who knows what is waiting on the journey, but all must face the lessons found amongst the trees. 

Photography by Joe Mazza

Original Journals

Directed by Mark E. Lococo  

Musically Directed by Michael McBride  

Band Instruction by Rick Lowe

March 31 – April 10, 2022  

Everyone has a wish, but at what cost? James Lapine and Stephen Sondheim’s Tony Award-winning musical features an enticing fusion of fairy tale characters who all desire what they cannot have. When a childless baker and his wife embark on a quest to lift the Witch’s curse on their family, everyone realizes that their own "happily-ever-after" may not last. With whimsy, wisdom, and tart humor, Into the Woods daringly twists your favorite stories in this evocative classic about darkness and light. Who knows what is waiting on the journey, but all must face the lessons found amongst the trees. 

Photography by Joe Mazza
original journals

Just Anne: Historical Accuracy Onstage

Directed by Mark E. Lococo  

Musically Directed by Michael McBride  

Band Instruction by Rick Lowe

March 31 – April 10, 2022  

Everyone has a wish, but at what cost? James Lapine and Stephen Sondheim’s Tony Award-winning musical features an enticing fusion of fairy tale characters who all desire what they cannot have. When a childless baker and his wife embark on a quest to lift the Witch’s curse on their family, everyone realizes that their own "happily-ever-after" may not last. With whimsy, wisdom, and tart humor, Into the Woods daringly twists your favorite stories in this evocative classic about darkness and light. Who knows what is waiting on the journey, but all must face the lessons found amongst the trees. 

Photography by Joe Mazza

Operation Pedro Pan

Directed by Mark E. Lococo  

Musically Directed by Michael McBride  

Band Instruction by Rick Lowe

March 31 – April 10, 2022  

Everyone has a wish, but at what cost? James Lapine and Stephen Sondheim’s Tony Award-winning musical features an enticing fusion of fairy tale characters who all desire what they cannot have. When a childless baker and his wife embark on a quest to lift the Witch’s curse on their family, everyone realizes that their own "happily-ever-after" may not last. With whimsy, wisdom, and tart humor, Into the Woods daringly twists your favorite stories in this evocative classic about darkness and light. Who knows what is waiting on the journey, but all must face the lessons found amongst the trees. 

Photography by Joe Mazza
pedro pan

Morbid Curiosity

Directed by Mark E. Lococo  

Musically Directed by Michael McBride  

Band Instruction by Rick Lowe

March 31 – April 10, 2022  

Everyone has a wish, but at what cost? James Lapine and Stephen Sondheim’s Tony Award-winning musical features an enticing fusion of fairy tale characters who all desire what they cannot have. When a childless baker and his wife embark on a quest to lift the Witch’s curse on their family, everyone realizes that their own "happily-ever-after" may not last. With whimsy, wisdom, and tart humor, Into the Woods daringly twists your favorite stories in this evocative classic about darkness and light. Who knows what is waiting on the journey, but all must face the lessons found amongst the trees. 

Photography by Joe Mazza

50 Stolen Plays

Directed by Mark E. Lococo  

Musically Directed by Michael McBride  

Band Instruction by Rick Lowe

March 31 – April 10, 2022  

Everyone has a wish, but at what cost? James Lapine and Stephen Sondheim’s Tony Award-winning musical features an enticing fusion of fairy tale characters who all desire what they cannot have. When a childless baker and his wife embark on a quest to lift the Witch’s curse on their family, everyone realizes that their own "happily-ever-after" may not last. With whimsy, wisdom, and tart humor, Into the Woods daringly twists your favorite stories in this evocative classic about darkness and light. Who knows what is waiting on the journey, but all must face the lessons found amongst the trees. 

Photography by Joe Mazza
50 stolen plays

Queering Shakespeare

Directed by Mark E. Lococo  

Musically Directed by Michael McBride  

Band Instruction by Rick Lowe

March 31 – April 10, 2022  

Everyone has a wish, but at what cost? James Lapine and Stephen Sondheim’s Tony Award-winning musical features an enticing fusion of fairy tale characters who all desire what they cannot have. When a childless baker and his wife embark on a quest to lift the Witch’s curse on their family, everyone realizes that their own "happily-ever-after" may not last. With whimsy, wisdom, and tart humor, Into the Woods daringly twists your favorite stories in this evocative classic about darkness and light. Who knows what is waiting on the journey, but all must face the lessons found amongst the trees. 

Photography by Joe Mazza
queering shakes

Shit, it's Wednesday

Directed by Mark E. Lococo  

Musically Directed by Michael McBride  

Band Instruction by Rick Lowe

March 31 – April 10, 2022  

Everyone has a wish, but at what cost? James Lapine and Stephen Sondheim’s Tony Award-winning musical features an enticing fusion of fairy tale characters who all desire what they cannot have. When a childless baker and his wife embark on a quest to lift the Witch’s curse on their family, everyone realizes that their own "happily-ever-after" may not last. With whimsy, wisdom, and tart humor, Into the Woods daringly twists your favorite stories in this evocative classic about darkness and light. Who knows what is waiting on the journey, but all must face the lessons found amongst the trees. 

Photography by Joe Mazza


Directed by Mark E. Lococo  

Musically Directed by Michael McBride  

Band Instruction by Rick Lowe

March 31 – April 10, 2022  

Everyone has a wish, but at what cost? James Lapine and Stephen Sondheim’s Tony Award-winning musical features an enticing fusion of fairy tale characters who all desire what they cannot have. When a childless baker and his wife embark on a quest to lift the Witch’s curse on their family, everyone realizes that their own "happily-ever-after" may not last. With whimsy, wisdom, and tart humor, Into the Woods daringly twists your favorite stories in this evocative classic about darkness and light. Who knows what is waiting on the journey, but all must face the lessons found amongst the trees. 

Photography by Joe Mazza

Obstinate Headstrong Girl

Directed by Mark E. Lococo  

Musically Directed by Michael McBride  

Band Instruction by Rick Lowe

March 31 – April 10, 2022  

Everyone has a wish, but at what cost? James Lapine and Stephen Sondheim’s Tony Award-winning musical features an enticing fusion of fairy tale characters who all desire what they cannot have. When a childless baker and his wife embark on a quest to lift the Witch’s curse on their family, everyone realizes that their own "happily-ever-after" may not last. With whimsy, wisdom, and tart humor, Into the Woods daringly twists your favorite stories in this evocative classic about darkness and light. Who knows what is waiting on the journey, but all must face the lessons found amongst the trees. 

Photography by Joe Mazza

It's All Just a Bunch of Hocus Pocus

Directed by Mark E. Lococo  

Musically Directed by Michael McBride  

Band Instruction by Rick Lowe

March 31 – April 10, 2022  

Everyone has a wish, but at what cost? James Lapine and Stephen Sondheim’s Tony Award-winning musical features an enticing fusion of fairy tale characters who all desire what they cannot have. When a childless baker and his wife embark on a quest to lift the Witch’s curse on their family, everyone realizes that their own "happily-ever-after" may not last. With whimsy, wisdom, and tart humor, Into the Woods daringly twists your favorite stories in this evocative classic about darkness and light. Who knows what is waiting on the journey, but all must face the lessons found amongst the trees. 

Photography by Joe Mazza
hocus pocus

A Zoomin' and A Cruisin'

Directed by Mark E. Lococo  

Musically Directed by Michael McBride  

Band Instruction by Rick Lowe

March 31 – April 10, 2022  

Everyone has a wish, but at what cost? James Lapine and Stephen Sondheim’s Tony Award-winning musical features an enticing fusion of fairy tale characters who all desire what they cannot have. When a childless baker and his wife embark on a quest to lift the Witch’s curse on their family, everyone realizes that their own "happily-ever-after" may not last. With whimsy, wisdom, and tart humor, Into the Woods daringly twists your favorite stories in this evocative classic about darkness and light. Who knows what is waiting on the journey, but all must face the lessons found amongst the trees. 

Photography by Joe Mazza

This site currently archives productions going back to 2012 with ambitions to tell LUC Theatre's story back to its founding. If you have older photos to contribute to the archive please send to

For more information about the Theatre program, please visit

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